Saturday, July 15, 2023

Reno Omokri shades a certain monarch from the South as he applauds President Tinubu for properly greeting the Oba of Benin


Reno Omokri this afternoon Juy 15, threw shade at a certain monarch from the South as he celebrated President Tinubu for properly greeting the Oba of Benin who paid him a visit in the State House on Friday, July 14. 


Posting a photo of the President bowing to the Edo monarch, Reno wrote;

‘’This is the President respectfully greeting Hie Royal Majesty, Omo N'Oba N'Edo Uku Akpolokpolo, Ewuare II, the Oba of Benin. He did not casually acknowledge. He genuflected to him.


This is so heartwarming, and I hope a certain traditional ruler from the South**** sees this.


Yes, this occurred partially because of the Omoluabi culture of the Southwest and majorly because the Oba of Benin is a monarch rarely seen in social events. And because of that, he had value added to the intrinsic value he gets from his throne.


When a monarch is seen at every owambe and naming ceremony, his over circulation deflates his honour, leading to overfamiliarity from people who should have awe of him. Napoleon said, “If I am often seen at the theatre, people will cease to notice me.”


As a revered traditional ruler, you should comport yourself in a manner that commands respect. This is more so when you are not just a traditional ruler, but also a spiritual leader. People like that occupy an office of high moral and spiritual authority and should not allow overfamiliarity because when they are disrespected, all the people they represent are also disrespected.


When a Governor prostrates flat to greet an elder, a traditional and spiritual ruler should not tolerate some anyhow greeting that rubbishes the esteemed position he holds, not just in Nigeria but globally.


Who the cap fits, let him wear it.''

Reno Omokri shades a certain monarch from the South as he applauds President Tinubu for properly greeting the Oba of Benin

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